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Super Catscape


LOGLINE | Dr. Sam created a formula to enhance normal milk, which appears to have given Kim superpowers and high intelligence. Now Kim has to find a way to escape from the strange alien planet, saving all the captive pets on her way back to Earth.

BRIEF | Super Catscape is a 2D side-scrolling retro platformer about Kim, a brave kitten who is kidnapped by strange alien creatures, along with other pets. Kim used to live with his dear friend, Dr. Sam, who takes care of him.

The design and development of this game took us 1 year of work, 5 months for the design and the rest in development; 14 people participated in the whole process.

The visual concept of the game was retro (8-bit), something that turned out to be more complex than expected since to obtain this style, we had to resort to the following process:

First, the idea was developed in a sketch to later integrate it into a scenario and make tests with the elements on separate planes. Once working, the coloring process began. Finally, and once the design was polished, we proceeded to convert it into pixels.







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